August 26, 2008

Continuing a theme…

…from last show's recap: You folks love the dirty humor when it comes to team names. So starting this week, I'm going to record the percentage of team names each show that incorporate some element of scatological/sexual juvenilia. This week…

Half the teams last night kept it filthy in the moniker department. Brah-vo.

Now then, I was very pleased with the debut of "Movie + Movie + Movie = TV," and I've heard a lot of positive things from several of you. It shall return. I also find it amusing that the most difficult questions was No. 7: Dodgeball + Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) + Are We There Yet? = what TV show? It's a rare gathering of geeks where only one team can identify this program.

(Also, forgot to mention at the show: I pinched the video round, plus some bonus questions, for my latest trivia column in Time Out New York. On the stands now, or see the quiz online starting Thursday. End of corporate yet self-serving plug.)

I'm going to blog more soon about one of the big quadriquestions, the one about cryptozoology. For now, this week's standings.

1. Fantastic Fournicators (Second show in a row they won by a large margin. They're like the Getto Boys over here.)
2. Strippers for Stephen Hawking
3. Gerard Gaypardouche (A superteam, as it were. This week is all about unity, after all.)
4. Teen Laqueefah (the erstwhile yet now name-revolving Robin Hood and His Merry Meningitis)/The Incontinental Congress (tie)

We're back in three weeks, alas: September 15. We're going to have a little video fun with candy.