July 9, 2010

This Monday: Back in Boston!

Er…sort of. As I've discovered spending time in the metropolitan Boston area, Cambridge, Massachusetts is only sort of Boston. Often I find it easier to just say, "We're back in Harvard Square," since that is accurate. (And no, Gund Hall is not relevant.)

This will be the third Big Quiz Thing at Oberon, an extremely impressive venue mere steps from that august institution of higher learning. The first two (this one rocked hard, this one rocked harder) were stupidly successful, and we've managed to develop our own core of regulars in the area, still growing—Boston is a city of geniuses, and they recognize the world's greatest live trivia when they see (and play) it. And hey, will April's champs, Jackie Robinson Kicks Ass, be returning to defend their crown? Time will tell.

And to quiz them this Monday, one of my favorite BQT video puzzles from the past year or so, "Three Degrees of Television Separation." For each question, name all three TV shows, whose names are phonetically linked. For example: Charlie Rose, followed by Roseanne, followed by Andy Richter Controls the Universe. See what I did there?

Plus, the "Big Ending" audio round, Smart-Ass Points, the whole rigmarole. It's Monday, July 12, 8pm at Oberon (2 Arrow Street in Harvard Square, Cambridge). $200 grand prize, naturally, plus tickets to Oberon's multimedia Shakespeareanesque disco musical, The Donkey Show; passes to the July 14 show by Rogue Burlesque; and gift cards from the eminently delicious b.good. Buy your tickets now, now, now!