January 22, 2008

BQT postmortem

Okay, I might be hot shit in the dorky quizmaster department, but I'm an absolutely failure at the art of predicting the size of Big Quiz thing crowds. Two weeks ago, I swore we'd have a packed house for the BQT, so much so that I warned you all on this here blog (it's not worth linking to). But last night, as I made my way to Crash Mansion, I steeled myself for a weak turnout—the holiday, the cold, a couple of people actually informing me that they were bailing on their attendance plans. I was prepared for prize money and clever questions to be utterly wasted, for the Four-Part Question sound cue to be met by the haunted rustle of a sole tumbleweed drifting among the empty mahogany chairs.

Well, how 'bout this: packed house last night. Approximately 135 were present. Well done, trivia lovers. Never listen to anything I have to say about attendance ever again.

And it was a great show. They debut of the "Proofread-O-Rama" video round was a success, in my mind (some complained that the error-laden signs whizzed by too fast, but come on, I can't make it too easy), and audio rounds about drugs are always fun. Denial-Anger-Acceptance-Trivia was unable to reprise its debut victory, but they made a handsome showing; the only teams who beat them were the same eggheads who always kick ass at the show (victory for Gerard Depardouche, Fantastic Fournicators only half a point behind, Jefferson Davis Starship in third). Plenty of harmless MLK Day humor too, and hazelnut cupcakes from Batter Up.

Fun fun fun fun. We're back February 4, then we're off for three weeks, returning 2/25. Rock on.


Anonymous said...

We'll rise again -- once we work through the denial, anger and acceptance of our dethroning.

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